Communication Works

What's covered in this training?

Report writing requires specialised skills. Tone and style differ from other business documents. While individual organisation's report formats will vary, the generic elements remain constant and the purpose of the report remains the same: to enable sound decision making.

This one day course covers the key concepts involved in producing a useful report with a high readability factor. The report writer needs to clearly identify the purpose of the report, the information to include and the key relationships between the various sections of the report.

At the end of your training you will be able to:

  • recognise the value of presentation and first impressions
  • pitch your report at the right level, depending on your reader's knowledge of the subject
  • use the appropriate ‘tone of voice' for each report
  • write with a clear, logical structure - with clear signposting to show where the ideas are leading
  • write a report that meets the needs of the reader and answers the questions identified in the purpose of the report.

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